February 9, 2023

How to make an impact when you’re busy?

When people think about impact, and impact is a big topic for people of my generation, it is often seen as this huge mountain peak that one needs to dedicate a huge chunk of time to conquer. As this special activity that, one needs to set a whole separate lane for in their lives.

Unfortunately, not everybody can volunteer to dig wells in Africa for 6 months or work a job that allows them to do that sort of meaningful work.

The reality is, however, impact is not something special that needs to be pursued. If you are alive, you are making an impact. We’re all making an impact all day, every day without realising it. It’s in the small mundane things we do, the choices we make, who we are, how we treat people.

So you are making an impact, whether you know it or not.

A question that is worth asking is what impact you are actually making and what impact you want to make in the world. How do you want to be remembered? A force for what you want to be – kindness, selfishness, ignorance, compassion, generosity?

These are some small ways that you can make a difference without doing anything special.


A few good words

Most of us doubt ourselves. We are not sure what our value is, we’re not sure we’re good at what we do or even what we’re good at. Most of us go around thinking we’re swinging it. Insecurities can lead to low self-esteem and a lack of courage. But have you had one of those moments when someone tells you something that changes how you feel and see yourself, and it sticks with you?

We usually fail to see our own value, we fail to see what others see. Look for what’s good in people and what they are good at and tell them. It may be nothing to you and everything to them. It may even change their life.


Teaching what you know

When we were kids, my sister used to be afraid of the dark and wouldn’t go into a room alone. She used to always ask me to go get things for her. I told her once that if she goes and looks in all places she is afraid of, she will see there’s nothing there. Fear is a dirty monster, but it only lives in our minds, and she is definitely bigger than it. I asked her to challenge the monster, grabbed her hand and walked with her to the dark corners of the house to show her there was nothing to be afraid of.

I had completely forgotten about this story until my sister reminded me months ago. She told me she reminds herself of that story any time she needs to muster some courage and face a challenge.

My point, a lesson seemingly small and trivial can go a long way.


Serving as an example

We serve as examples all day, every day, and we don’t know it. People would rarely come up to you and tell you how the way you are or what you have done inspired them to adopt the same attitude or behaviour. And sometimes it will be strangers on the street whom you got thinking, and you will never know it.

I remember a while ago, I saw an elderly lady waiting at the traffic light with bags filled with groceries. Suddenly, one of the bags broke, and things started falling and rolling on the street. I was standing close by, observing the scene in somewhat of a daydream. A young man ran down and started collecting the food off the ground, handing them to the woman.

This stuck in my mind and has been a lesson. You never know who will see your actions and how you inspire people to be better by doing the right thing.


A helping hand

We all have things we struggle to do and things that come easy to us. The latter may come effortlessly to us, while for some of our friends and loved ones, they may be real torture. Maybe someone needs their resume put together or help with making a cake when they are a terrible baker.

Offer to help if it’s something in your domain of knowledge or skill. It won’t cost you that much time but may be a huge relief for them. More importantly, the person you’re helping may do the same for someone else. It’s a great example to set.


artwork credit @ Fran Rodriguez