Find Meaning
People tend to pursue happiness, not understanding what they are really after is meaning.
If you’ve identified that it is meaning what you are lacking in your life – Congratulations! You’re ahead of most already.
The lack of meaning in our lives often translates into misery and dissatisfaction. And vice versa, its presence in our lives can bring us tremendous joy and fulfillment.
The reality is, long-term happiness can only come as a result of meaningful pursuits which often implies effort, taking on responsibilities, personal growth and sometimes even sacrifice – either of self or of immediate pleasure.
The need for meaning is universally human, however, each one of us finds meaning in different things – one through self-expression and/or achievement, another through caring for others, and still others in serving a bigger cause.
About the course:
This course has two main goals:
- To help you understand what the components of a meaningful (that is happy) life are. We will examine each of these aspects in your own life and identify what you need to work on.
- To help you discover what is personally meaningful to you, what is your gift, your role and potentially your calling in life.
We will look into whether meaning needs to be interwoven into your life as a new career or perhaps it could be channeled through a lifestyle change.
- Understand what aspects there are to a meaningful life.
- Evaluate each meaning aspect in your own life and see what you may need to work on.
- Identify who you are at your core – which will dictate what is personally meaningful to you.
- Recognise what is important to you, what your internal priorities are.
- Understand what role you play for others and what you give them simply through your presence or though your unique personal qualities.
- Identify what legacy you want to build for yourself and what you want to leave behind.
- Discover in what areas your unique skills and personality traits could be of value.
- Discover whom and what way you are uniquely qualified to serve.
- Identify a career that would be personally meaningful.
- Flip the script – identify what life is inviting you to do through the experiences, problems and and people you are presented with.
This is right for you if:
- You feel lost.
- You feel life is meaningless and empty.
- You need change but don’t quite know what needs changing.
- You experience psychological disturbances for no clear reason – depression, anxiety, outbursts of anger, sadness, other unusual behaviour that surprises you.
- You feel unsatisfied at work or generally unsatisfied in life.
- You feel unhappy but can’t quite understand why.
- You are experiencing an existential crisis – apathy, boredom, a sense of emptiness.